Application: Frog Dissection
What it is: The Virtual Frog Dissection app from Punflay is a fantastic alternative to the real deal in the classroom. The app is perfect for students who are learning about organs and the organ system in life science. The app is brilliant in the way it offers students all of the tools that come with a real dissection with out all the mess (and smell…do you all remember the smell *gag reflex kicking in*). Students are led through the dissection procedure step by step, guided all the way through. When students have completed the dissection, the frog’s organs are exposed so students can study them further. High quality 3D images make it easy for students to visualize the organs. The app also includes great reference information about different types of frogs, a frogs life cycle, an anatomical comparison between frogs and humans, a quiz and detailed descriptions of the organs. The step-by-step instructions include voice over, perfect for accessibility to all students.
How Virtual Frog Dissection from Punflay can enrich learning: First of all, did I mention this app is free from the smell of Formaldehyde? That alone makes it worth it’s weight in gold (in my humble opinion)! Virtual Frog Dissection solves the budgetary and physical problems of getting a frog for every student. Not only that, it is a much greener alternative. The app has been beautifully created with attention to detail. Students will get the full effect of a wet dissection lab without needing all of the tools. Best of all, students can go back through the lab over and over again. This gives them the opportunity to review learning and process, something that isn’t possible with real frog dissections.
Use this app as an alternative to actual dissection, or use it to prepare students for a real dissection.
Devices: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.2 or later
Price: $4.99 (iTunes Link)